Wednesday, June 29, 2011

dapat hadiah!!

hehehe...bahagiakan bila kita dapat something yang kita nak..
actually ni bukan hadiah but lebih kepada dibeli..
faham tak?tak faham ea?
tunggu jela hari jumaat ni..hehe..hope jumaat ni barang tu da sampai

suke suke suke...


Saturday, June 25, 2011

sarang labah-labah mula memenuhi ruang

hi hi captain!!
tiba-tiba je kan?
now my life totally change..from student stk to penanam anggur terhormat and now i'm a student of matrikulasi..
how come i can being a student of matrikulasi?
because i have talent that nobody know include me and only ALLAH know it's..(grammar terabur?ada aku kesah)
life in matrik pack..class finished at 4.00 p.m and sometimes at 5.00 p.m.
how my stdy?hurm...there are quite good but some subject that i cannot catch up faster as light like physics till i had to became adopted daughter to my lecturer..haha..but i still think that i really lucky because i can get my lecturer attention more than others in my class..
everything is oke now in matrik and there are many people love me here..thanx ya to give me your love..really appreciate it..(nyampah je kan..perasan lebih)

today i went to MELAKA with my besties..sangat TERUJA..hahahaha...fine,jakun sangat bcause 1st time hangout with members in melaka..menjerit is the 1st thing that i do when i stand in front taming sari tower..haha..<

here some pic..enjoy it!! <3

p/s:ok..saya da ngantok..bye..nite..xoxo

Monday, June 6, 2011


wah! before ni entry nk meleleh je aku dah boleh wat entry senyum2 gelak2 dah sebab homesick aku da kurang!
yess!!penat aku menanti perasaan ni.hoho..
member aku ramai kat sini so when i feel so lonely...they always be with me ^_^
huh! hana pon da masuk kmj tok 2nd!!memang semua budak stk berkampung dekat kmj la nmpaknya.haha
and then the things that make me shock when i heard from hana that HE also come to kmj..shit man!hahahahaha...
tp mybe kita orang tak kan berselisih kot sebab dia budak dua tahun..
apa pun aku happy dah sekarang and now i choose someone to make me more excited to go the class..siapakah?????????? adalah....saje jadikan dia sebagai sumber inspirasi..haha
now,aku kena more push diri sendiri to more concentrate in study and be the best among the best! <

p/s:sayang ibu! 
     my D,mesti happy kn tgk tika happy ^_^

Saturday, June 4, 2011

homesick day

my first entry after being student again but not in i'm in matrikulasi tangkak.
hard to me to survive without family beside me when it's  the first time i'm stayed in hostel.gedik kn?haha
orentasi yang sangat tak best sebab fasilitator aku sangat KEREK! 
wat ever,thanx a lot to qila and ain because of them i'm not feel to lonely at there.

first class aku sangat pressure tahap babi cipan bergabung because culture shock!
then my D,my sisters,my mom, my bro and all  my friends help me to build up my day with smile ang laugh.
my life now just like want to know whether i'm going to HELL or's all on my hands and my effort where i want to go..

today,i woke up early and then company my mom to pasar.while she choose vegetables,i was thinking that after this i'm not going to company her anymore.after this no pasar anymore and i will make sure that my day at home will be a really meaningful day and make me remember this days when i'm not at home.'tenda biru' only my antidote from being miss my mom.and!!! my wall pic at my hp i put my pic with my mom..haha..giler homesick,who are had an experience about stayed in hostel,they will laugh at me because to MANJA and not tough enough.hey guys! i never ever say that i tough enough ok..i think this is normal feel when it's your first time.

hoi!rossak mood pagi aku tulis entry sedih-sedih bagai ni..hope korang2 yang terbaca entry ni pray for me to be more tough and become more tough to survive my day and day in matrik.

p/s:much miss you =(